Coffee Doser Espresso
- Coffee measurer with dosage regulator to fill coffeepots quickly, precisely and cleanly.
- The container constantly protects the coffee from the air, keeping its aroma intact.
- It is suitable for all moka sizes.
- And in the end everything quickly ends up in the dishwasher.
- Design, technology, quality, 100% Made in Italy
- 0% BPA – Use & Reuse product – 100% Recyclable

Technical features
article no.020540
ean no.8001136 000713
article size cmØ 10.5 x 25.5
article weight kg.0.23
packPaper Band
specific data250 gr.
Quality raw materials, latest generation production systems, repeated checks, offer the guarantee of a product made to be used daily and last over time.
article size cmØ 10.5 x 25.5
article weight kg.0.23
packPaper Band
specific data250 gr.
article weight kg.0.23
packPaper Band
specific data250 gr.
packPaper Band
specific data250 gr.
specific data250 gr.
Quality raw materials, latest generation production systems, repeated checks, offer the guarantee of a product made to be used daily and last over time.