4 Recycle In Tritan Renew

: how to create new life for old waste
THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY redesigns the way we produce, use and dispose of products and packaging.
It is about avoiding waste and keeping the raw materials that make up the objects around us in circulation.
Tritan Renew is powered by revolutionary recycling technology that transforms single-use plastic waste into durable materials, offsetting the use of fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Tritan Renew allows you to create new life from waste, WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON PERFORMANCE.

Economia Circolare e tracciabilità ISCC En

a line made to last in time

Contenitore quadrato 0.80 L

Contenitore rettangolare 0.80 L

Lunch Box quadrato 0.80 L

Lunch Box rettangolare Doppio volume 0.80 L

Contenitore quadrato 1.4 L

Contenitore rettangolare 1.5 L

Lunch Box quadrato 1.4 L

Lunch Box rettangolare 1.5 L