Bowl 3 L + Lid
- The bowl lid preserves the freshness of salad, vegetables and other food products in the fridge and freezer.
- Suitable for a wide range of uses: utilize the bowl to serve salad on the table or to prepare your favorite recipes in the kitchen: doughs, marinades…
- The flat lid, equipped with a tab for easier removal, makes it easy to stack the bowl with other containers in the kitchen pantry or on the fridge shelves.
- Thanks to the rounded shapes, you can conveniently wash it both by hand and in the dishwasher.
- Design, technology, quality, 100% Made in Italy
- 0% BPA – Use & Reuse product – 100% Recyclable

Technical features
article no.010076
ean no.8001136 907135
article size cmØ 23.5 x 13.5
article weight kg.0.30
specific data3 L
Quality raw materials, latest generation production systems, repeated checks, offer the guarantee of a product made to be used daily and last over time.
article size cmØ 23.5 x 13.5
article weight kg.0.30
specific data3 L
article weight kg.0.30
specific data3 L
specific data3 L
specific data3 L
Quality raw materials, latest generation production systems, repeated checks, offer the guarantee of a product made to be used daily and last over time.